
Raritan Headwaters Association is a nonprofit conservation organization that protects water in our rivers, our streams, and our homes. Our vision is that everyone within our reach has access to safe, clean water that is swimmable, fishable, and above all, drinkable.

Test My Well™

Our well testing program is a service residents have come to rely on to ensure their drinking water is clean and safe from bacteria, arsenic, lead and other contaminants.

Resource Hub

RHA’s Resource Hub is designed to engage, inform and inspire children and adults to connect with nature and understand their part in keeping our water resources clean and our ecosystems healthy.

Climate Stations

How is climate change impacting our streams?

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November 19, 2024
The Beloved Beech Tree

While hiking or travelling in winter throughout our upper Raritan River watershed, have you ever noticed leaves stubbornly clinging to

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